A.D.E.L. - Associazione per lo sviluppo, l'istruzione e il lavoro

Name: A.D.E.L. – Association for Development, Education and Labour
web: www.adelslovakia.org/en
Country: Slovakia

We are organization, which creates opportunities for young people who would like to be an active, try and learn something new and gain new experience and knowledge for personal and professional development. We want to enrich the educational, social and cultural life of young people living in our country, mainly young people with fewer opportunities and coming from Eastern Slovakia. We believe that young people must become a driving force in building the society in which they live and therefore we create various opportunities in order to help shape a generation that is determined to change our country/and world for the better.

Our main goals that we promote with a variety of projects and activities are:

Our motto is: "Youth is not just a temporary state on the way to adulthood, but the space for our own journey, opinions and solutions – and we want to fill in this lack of space!"